100 Boids Count - (50) 10 Seperation: How much they stay away from each other(distance factor) (10 ) 100 Cohesion: How much they steer towards each other's center of mass (1000) 100 Alignment: How much they steer toward each other's goal (1000) 20 Bounds: How much they try to stay within the presecribed bounds (10) 5 Movetoward: How much they attempt to move toward the specific goal (intelligence) (20) 1 Seperation Factor: weight for this specifc factor in total equation (1) 1 Cohesion Factor: weight for this specifc factor in total equation (1) 1 Alignment Factor: weight for this specifc factor in total equation (1) 1 Bounds Factor: weight for this specifc factor in total equation (1) 1.5 Movetoward Factor: weight for this specifc factor in total equation (1) 1 MoveAway Factor: weight for this specifc factor in total equation (1) -150 Boid Min x -50 60 Boid Max x 20 -9 Boid Min y 15 Boid Max y -90 Boid Min z - 30 90 Boid Max z - 30 false case sensitive trigger for multicolor: True 50 Number of Prey 300 Delay start upper bound (predator) 400 Delay start upper bound 100 Delay stop upper bound (prey) 200 Delay start upper bound 2 Initative Min (how quickly they get up from perching) 10 Initative Max (how quickly they get up from perching)